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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2014

To Corey...

A long time ago, almost Christmas Eve, I recived a Fernando Savater's book as a gift. The book was about the Seven Deadly Sins and on the book's cover you can see a detail of a painting called Garden of Delights painted by Hieronymus Bosch (in Spanish El Bosco ). I read the book right away, I finished it in 3 days (it was short, not so difficult to read). I thought it would make think and reflect about what I do, how I do it and how my actions affect the people around me. I get to be honest, I don't remember a word of that book. A few days ago, I started to read a new book (my very first one of this year... Oh no! Wait! I've started the first book and fifth book of Game of Thrones and left them after 10 pages read each book, also I've started a novel about hipsters... What the hell was I thinking?... The main character was so annoying, stupid, egocentric, vain and boring, so I left the book after 20 pages read). So, where were we? Oh yeah! I start